Open-access Functional capacity and physical performance of community-dwelling elderly: a longitudinal study


This study aimed to verify the occurrence of changes in the functional capacity and physical performance of community-dwelling elderly and its determining factors over a two-year period. This is a quantitative, observational and longitudinal household survey conducted in 2014 and 2016, with the participation of 380 elderly from Uberaba, Minas Gerais. The following instruments were used: The Mini-Mental State Examination and questionnaires with sociodemographic/economic, clinical and life habits data. The functional capacity was evaluated through the Katz Index and Lawton-Brody’s scale. Physical performance was verified through the Short Physical Performance Battery. A descriptive, bivariate and linear multiple regression analysis was conducted, with a significance level of α < 0.05. The results showed reduced functional capacity for the instrumental activities of daily living and physical performance in a two-year period. The determining factors for both outcomes were age group, occupational activity, and physical activity. Schooling was a specific factor only for the instrumental activities of daily living, and gender and the number of medicines used, for physical performance.

Key words Elderly; Activities of daily living; People with disability; Limited mobility; Longitudinal studies

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