Open-access Identification and analysis of national physical activity guidelines in the Americas


Given the potential of institutional approaches to health promotion, this study sought to identify the countries on the American continent which have national physical activity (PA) guidelines approved by their national health agencies. A scoping review was conducted in May 2019, with a search conducted in five electronic databases, national health agency websites and contacts with members of the Physical Activity Network of the Americas. In all, national PA guidelines were found in ten of the 36 countries surveyed (27.8%), published between 2011 and 2018, the majority being in South American countries (n = 6). All guidelines presented “approaches and strategies for primary health care,” “PA recommendations for health,” and the “involvement of different PA domains,” however, few guidelines addressed “constructed environment and infrastructure” (n = 3), as well as “monitoring and surveillance actions” (n = 5). The conclusion can be drawn that, although few countries on the American continent have guidelines for PA and that the majority of those available address PA in a limited way, new national guidelines, based on the complexity of the determinants, monitoring and consequences of PA are needed to guide and foster policies to promote PA within the population.

Key words: Physical activity; Public policy; Health promotion

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