Open-access Participation in health in the Americas: Bibliometric mapping of production, impact, visibility and collaboration


Participation in health has generated a large number of publications around the world. In order to know the specificities of this production in the Americas, a bibliometric analysis of articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese was carried out. Searches were carried out in the VHL, PubMed, SCOPUS, WOS and SciELO, consolidating a database with 641 references. With the help of the VOSviewer software, we analyzed citation patterns, co-authorship and the chronological distribution by countries and languages. It was possible to verify the growth of production, the quantitative relevance and the impact of the different countries. The analysis indicated that the USA concentrates the largest number of citations and Brazil, despite being the first in number of publications, is the third in number of citations. The same occurs with Brazilian journals that, with the largest number of articles, fall in the ranking of the most cited. The co-authorship analysis indicated that the University of Toronto, Fiocruz and Harvard University have the most formal collaborations with other organizations. We conclude that there are inequalities of impact, visibility and internationalization in this field, indicating obstacles to scientific development and health policies.

Key words: Public health; Community engagement; Social participation; Bibliometric

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