Open-access Oral cancer mortality and factors associated in the state of Ceara, Brazil, 2009-2019: a spatial analysis


The study aimed to analyze the spatial distribution and factors associated with oral cancer mortality in the 2009-2019 period in the municipalities of Ceará, Brazil. This ecological study of oral cancer deaths used distribution analysis, autocorrelation, and spatial regression. The oral cancer mortality rate has spatial autocorrelation. In the geographically weighted regression analysis, a negative relationship was observed between mortality and the number of households with access to the sewage system (β = -0.001) and the mean number of people per household (β = -5.947). We observed a positive relationship between mortality and percentage of oral health coverage in Primary Health Care (β = 0.021), number of people living in the rural area of ​​the municipality (β = 0.0001), Municipal Human Development Index (β = 40.417), and aging rate (β = 1.169). We can conclude that the influence on the mortality risk showed spatial clusters that require priority in public policies that impact oral cancer morbimortality.

Key words: Mouth neoplasms; Socioeconomic factors; Spatial analysis

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