Open-access The reshaping of healthcare systems in the age of financialization. Lessons from France and Brazil


Since the post-War period, social protection systems have experienced continuous reforms, either extending or, more often, reducing the scope and the scale of public provision. This paper seeks to present how healthcare systems have evolved both in France and in Brazil recently, in order to comprehend mechanisms through which financialization has been reshaping public care provision. This comparative analysis unveils distinct financialization dynamics of healthcare systems, built upon universalism principles. After featuring both systems, underlying their private dimension – either complementary or supplementary – the article points out how the financial sector is broadening its share in the supply of healthcare services. In what follows, the sector’s process of internationalization/centralization is analyzed and lastly the regulatory role of the State in strengthening private provision is defined. Despite radically different institutional paths, the findings corroborate that in both cases finance is a driving force in reshaping the healthcare sector.

France; Brazil; Financialization; Complementary Healthcare Provision; Supplementary Healthcare Provision

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