Open-access The Cultural Moment as the introduction of aesthetic elements in the training of professionals in the health field


The core issue addressed in this article is in the context of the teaching practices of professional training at tertiary education level for work in the health field. After reflecting briefly on the problems of the privilege of the technique, the experience, and objectives of the proposal of the cultural moment are presented as the introduction of aesthetic elements in the training of undergraduate and graduate students in health. In the second part, the relations between art, culture and aesthetics used in this work are outlined and, from the experiences of more than a decade dealing with the proposal of the cultural moment in the classroom, the observed and potential formative effects based on the cultural moment presentations by the students are discussed. Lastly, the importance of aesthetic training for the updating of healthcare based on the discussion with classical and contemporary authors is stressed, and the cultural moment is proposed as an initiative for the introduction of aesthetic elements in the training of professionals in the health field.

Key words Cultural moment; Professional training; Aesthetics; Art; Culture

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