Open-access Reproductive factors associated with overweight in adult women attended by the Family Health Strategy


Overweight stands out as a growing health problem in the population, resulting in individual and societal burdens. This study aimed to identify the association between reproductive factors and overweight in women of reproductive age attended by a Primary Health Care Unit (UAPS).This is a cross-sectional study with home capitation and data collection in two PHC Units, in the city of Juiz de Fora (MG), Brazil, in women aged 20 to 59 years, whose outcome was the overweight measured by the Body Mass Index. The prevalence of overweight was 61.0% among the 2,018 women included in the analysis. In the multivariate analysis, overweight was associated with the variables age at menarche before 12 years of age, having children, age greater than or equal to 30years, and hypertension. The prevalence of overweight in women who had menarche before 12 years of age was 12.4% higher than those who had menarche aged 12 years or more, and the prevalence of overweight in women who had children was 58.2% higher than those who never had any. There was a high prevalence of overweight in the adult female population, emphasizing the influence of reproductive factors.

Keywords Reproductive factors; Overweight; Women’s health

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