Open-access Difusão da Produção Científica dos Cursos de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva

The paper presents a discussion on the scientific production of Brazilian Post-Graduate courses in Public Health making use of the CAPES database (EXECAPES) for the 1900-95 period. It analyzes the publication of the graduate courses in main national and international journals. It also examines the quality of the database for evaluation of the scientific and technological policies in Brazil. It argues on the adequacy of using international parameters, e.g. ISI-SCI, for evaluating local scientific production. The analysis stresses that the production in the field of Public Health has been increasing throughout the 90s, and that 80% of the papers were published in national journals. Some suggestions are made having in mind the improvement of the quality of information.

Science & Technology; Scientific production; Scientific journals; Scientific communication; Scientometrics; Patterns of scientific publication

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