Open-access A Lotus or a Dragon? - The orientalization and fetishization of Asian women’s bodies


This article stems from interviews conducted with Chinese women residing in Lisbon, aged 18-34, during the initial phase of fieldwork (2021/2022). As an outcome of my Anthropology Ph.D. project, the focus here is on comprehending the perception of Asian women within the realm of everyday life as fetishized entities and how they persist in (re)shaping their identities. By primarily examining visual “yellow fever” depictions (in Hollywood cinema through films like “The World of Suzie Wong”, “Madame Butterfly”, “Miss Saigon”, and the “Year of the Dragon”, along with interracial Pornography), I endeavor to delve into the impact of “race”, “sexual fetishization”, and the ubiquitous propagation of stereotypical imagery on the lives of the individuals I engage with.

Key words: Asian women; Ethnography; Sexual fetishization; Visual representations; Stereotype

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