Open-access Work and health: the activity of burning toxic waste in cement kilns in Cantagalo, Rio de Janeiro State

This study analyzes the work and health conditions through the discourse of the employees involved in the activity of toxic waste co-processing in cement kilns in Cantagalo, RJ. A qualitative approach was adopted using a semi-structured interview with 13 individuals. After analyzing the discourse, it was possible to observe relevant failures in the work process planning, in the identification of risks, in preventing diseases, in monitoring health impacts and to the environment, even their identification and notification to the competent authorities. The assimilation of the uncertainties of the process, favoring the interests of the entrepreneurs, has passed on the workers the burden of illness, rendered acceptable in that they deny clinical evidences. It is imperative to establish a broad debate involving public and private entities, the society in all its representations, confronting ethical, environmental and health issues to the interests of capital in order to set new guidelines for the process.

Co-processing; Co-incineration; Toxic residues; Workers' health; Cement production

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