Open-access Assessment of the management of the Family Health Strategy via the tool Assessment for Quality Improvement in municipalities of Minas Gerais, Brazil

The self-assessment of the quality ofthe Family Health Strategy(FHS) was assessed in the context ofmanagement and its correlation with characteristics of FHS and of the municipality. Managers, coordinators and Family Health Unit managers of municipalities in the Northeast region of Minas Gerais replied with tools 1, 2 and 3 of the Assessment for Improving the Quality of Family Health Strategy (AIQ). Scores were defined for each subdimension, according to the number of features compliant with the standards of the AIQ. We tested the correlation of this score with coverage and the deployment time of the FHS, with the municipal population and the HDI (Human Development Index). The lowest scores were for Work Management, Permanent Education and Inputs, Immunobiologicals and Medicines. There was a positive correlation between the municipal population and Strengthening of Coordination, Support for Teams, Permanent Education Management and Standardization and a negative one with Infrastructure and Equipment. The use of the AIQ tools permitted the identification of subdimensions and municipalities which will require greater attention and intervention by the municipal management.

Assessment of health services; Primary Healthcare; Health management; Family Health Program

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