Open-access Undergraduate dental sudents' perspectives about experiences in primary care for their education in the field of health

Supervised training periods in primary care have been used as spaces for teaching and extension in the area of health, making it feasible to include undergraduates in concrete teaching-learning scenarios. The aim of this study was to analyze the perceptions of dental students about the importance of supervised training periods in Family Health Units to their professional education. The sample consisted of 185 students who answered the question: What is your opinion about the importance of this training period in SUS to your professional education? Comment on this experience and its positive and negative aspects The responses were analyzed by the quali-quantitative Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) technique. The students appreciated learning through practice in the service; contact with professionals from other areas; opportunity for technical-operative improvement and demonstrated sensitivity in the face of social reality, although they appeared to be concerned about being absent from the faculty, arguing that they were being prejudiced as regards their intramural clinical productivity, exhaustively demanded of them. It was concluded that students placed value on the extramural experience, however, it was perceived that there was still a predominant influence of focus on intramural clinical training.

Education; Staff development; National Health Programs; Family Health

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