Open-access Food and nutritional insecurity of families using the Family Health Strategy in two municipalities in Paraíba, Brazil


The objective of this article is to evaluate factors associated with food and nutritional insecurity in families with children under 5 years of age living in areas covered by the Family Health Strategy. Cross-sectional study involving 406 families from two municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa, Paraíba. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale was used to assess the families’ food and nutritional security. The determinants of moderate/severe food insecurity were analyzed using the Decision Tree. Food and nutritional insecurity reached 71.4% of families. Moderate/severe food insecurity (32%) was primarily associated with the benefit of the Family Allowance (Bolsa Família) Program, and also with family composition consisting of children under 2 years of age, lower socioeconomic status, and family dysfunction. The results showed high prevalence of food and nutritional insecurity whose more serious levels suggest the importance of interventions aimed at improving the Family Allowance Program for the conditions of households with children under 2 years of age, socioeconomic situation of families, and functionality of families.

Key words Primary Health Care; Child; Food and nutrition security; Socioeconomic factors; Government programs

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