Open-access Brazilian Health Surveillance: reflections and contribution to the debate of the First National Conference on Health Surveillance


This is a research on the challenges of Health Surveillance, considering its theories and practices. We performed a comprehensive review of international and national literature and institutional documents. Some of the authors also participated in the formulation of the guideline document prepared by the Formulation and Reporting Committee of the First National Conference on Health Surveillance. The complex Brazilian reality imposes that Health Surveillance be guided in a universal, integrated, participatory and territorial manner, where society and SUS workers play a leading role. It points out the need to design a structured surveillance system based on the dynamics of production, consumption and ways of living of the communities. The National Health Surveillance Policy should harbor in its core the categories and values of health social determination, the State’s health regulatory responsibility, integrality, territory, participation of society and right to information.

Public Health Surveillance; Unified Health System (SUS); Public health policy

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