Open-access Description of attempts to obtain approval for selling medications at ordinary Brazilian establishments after the introduction of the Real Economic Stabilization Plan

Although not legal, the practice of selling medications through unlicensed outlets such as stores and supermarkets has long been common in Brazil. Introducing the Real Economic Stabilization Plan, Provisional Measure 592/94 allowed the sale of non-prescription medications (anodynes) in such establishments. However, this item was suppressed when this Provisional Measure was enacted as Law Nº 9,069/95. Since then, other attempts have been made to establish this type of trade in medications, forbidden in 2004 through a decision handed down by the Superior Court of Justice. Nevertheless, this unlawful trade in medications still continues. Due to the scarcity of publications on this specific issue, this paper offers an updated overview for druggists, pharmacists, academics and researchers, describing the events that took place between 1994 and 2006.

Medication sales; Self-medication; Drug intoxication; Anodynes; Supermarkets; Stores

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