Open-access Nursing team, family and hospitalized child interaction: an integrative review


This study aims to present an integrative review of national and international scientific papers on nursing team, family, and hospitalized child interaction. Searches have been made to Bireme, Lilacs, Medline, IBECS, Psyc Info, Science Direct and Web of Science (2008-2013) databases, which allowed us to identify 31 papers represented by the following themes: Interpersonal relationship, Communication and Care. The establishment of interpersonal relationships in a technical and formal way causes difficulty in communication and in the actions aimed at providing care. Care has been the main theme in these researches. Companions demand increased attention to child and family needs from health professionals, and greater involvement of everyone in the process of care. Results suggest that health care teams need to recognize the dynamic experienced by the dyad (child/companion) in order to develop comprehensive care, encouraging family and child inclusion through humanization strategies.

Key words Nursing maternal-child nursing; Family; Hospitalized child

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