Open-access National Comprehensive Health Care Policy for People Deprived of Liberty in the Prison System: a reflection from the perspective of intersectorality


This essay aims to bring up the debate on access to health in the prison system, focusing on the National Comprehensive Health Care Policy for People Deprived of Liberty (PNAISP) and the intersectoriality proposed by the policy. As intersectoral articulation is one of the PNAISP main guidelines, we aim to reflect on its implementation, considering the Prison Primary Care Teams (EABP) professionals as street-level bureaucrats and the difficulty of access to health by people deprived of liberty as wicked problems. We understand that there are gaps in studies on access to health in the prison system with an intersectoral approach and analysis of the PNAISP with an academic focus and from the perspective of intersectorality. We aim to contribute to this debate within Public Health, addressing reflections on a health policy that affects the prison system.

Key words: Intersectoriality; Prisons; Health Policy; People Deprived of Liberty; Health Services Accessibility

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