Open-access The new organization of labor at public universities: collective consequences of job instability on the health of teachers


The main objective of this article is to analyze the new organization of labor of university teachers, seeking to investigate the potential relationship with the health status of these workers. It is based on the assumption that job instability in public universities has had repercussions on the health of higher education teachers. A qualitative exploratory study was conducted by means of bibliographic research in indexed databases. As a method of analysis, thematic analysis was used, focusing on four empirical categories, namely: job instability in the teaching profession; intensification of labor; aspects of the organization of teaching work in universities; and data on the health of university teachers. It was revealed in the literature that the use of strong organizational pressures prevails in the university scenario and consequently the intensification of labor is prevalent, with emphasis on the issue of increasing the demand for academic productivity. It was also observed that the topic of excess workload of teachers is recurrent and the concept of availability of less leisure time prevails. In addition, the need for organized collective resistance was confirmed in order to modify the job instability of teaching work.

Key words Teaching work; Public universities; Occupational health

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