Open-access Pre- and post-gestational sociodemografic and reproductive characteristics of adolescent mothers in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil

The objective was to study pre- and post-gestational changes in the sociodemografic and reproductive health of women who were adolescent mothers, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. A sectional study design was used, with a randomly selected conglomerates of 438 females who seeked medical attention at the Basic Health Services. For the statistical analysis, the average, standard deviation and test of Mcnemar. During the pre-gestational period 84.8% of them frequented primary schools, 41.8% were 17 to 19 years old. Furthermore, 66.0% were singles, 62.6% lived with their families. Family Planning Services was not sought out by 91.2% and 60.9% didn’t take any anticontraceptives. During the post gestational period, a statistically significant increase in the proportion (22.0%) of those attending secondary level schooling was observed; 60.6% lived in the free communion and 43.7% made use of the Family Planning Services, resulting in use of contraceptives among 70.8%; school abandonment (27.6%) and a 19% reduction in the use of condoms; 44.5% reported having other children; 12,6% with precocious sexual relations and occurence of abortions 22.8% the age group 10 to 16 years. After the first pregnancy, a higher level of schooling abandonment, increased cohabitation, use of the Family Planning Services, contraceptives was observed and other children were also born.

Adolescence; Reproductive health; Sociodemografics conditons

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