Open-access National Registry of Health Facilities: data reliability evidence


This study compared the reliability of a data group registered in the secondary databases of the National Registry of Health Facilities. A survey was conducted in 2,777 with hospitals to achieve this objective. Visited hospitals provided information on equipment, geographic location, operating status and number of beds. Regarding matching data between visited hospitals and the National Registry, it can be noted that the operating status was updated in 89% of cases, the number of beds in 44%, 82% had the correct amount of equipment and 63% had accurate geographic coordinates. These findings point to a good reliability of information from the National Registry of Health Facilities, regarding the compared categories, excepting for data on the number of registered beds and for some equipment. As a further development of this work, we stress the need to discuss strategies and incentives to improve the reliability of data that still have inconsistencies, in order to improve the instruments used to formulate public policies.

Key words Information systems; Data sources; Data analysis; Hospitals with less than 100-bed capacity

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