Open-access The work of the community health worker from the perspective of popular health education: possibilities and challenges


This article addresses the possibilities and challenges in the performance of the community health worker (CHW) from the perspective of the National Policy of Popular Health Education. It is based on the analysis of findings from a research-intervention carried out at a Family Health Center in a small city in the southern region of Brazil. The data analyzed was produced in meetings with the research team, in activities with the CHWs (individual interviews and workshops), and in feedback sessions with the team regarding the intervention. Among the results, the intertwined role of the CHW within the team was emphasized. In situating themselves between technical and popular forms of knowledge, the work of the CHW potentializes the actions of the Popular Health Education program, as it points to the need for training, agreement of the developed practices, and professional valorization. From these findings we were able to approach and understand the results in terms of the National Policy of Popular Health Education. Based on the analyses, we recommend the establishment of practices associated with the broader concept of health sustained in holistic teamwork that valorizes the knowledge/action of CHW and of the community, inspired in the guiding principles of PNEP-SUS.

Health education; Community Health Workers; Health promotion; Primary care; Unified Health System

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