Open-access Oral cleft and its notification in the information system: live Births Declaration analysis in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, 1999-2004

The objective of this study was to verify the notification of information system for oral clefts in the live births declaration (DNV), studying the 3 items of DNV related to malformation. All the patients' medical records registered in oral cleft reference centers were checked. The inclusion criteria were: a) to have any oral cleft and b) to be born from 01/01/1999 to 12/31/2004. Next step was to raise the information in the vital data sector of Municipal Health Secretary, where all the DNVs identified were subjects with oral clefts (63 children). The first item presented a large subnotification (only 53.3 of the DNVs showed the register of malformation) and all types of clefts were not notified in any scale. Highest sub notification was observed for cleft palate (70 %). Second item (description of malformation) showed similarly a high number of errors referred to palate cleft, identified only in 25 % of the cases. All the documents showed no information about the third item (code of malformation). There was no statistical difference between professionals responsible for filling out the document. In conclusion, the DNV was inefficient to register the oral cleft cases due to imperfections related to 3 items studied, especially in the absence of information about CID-10 codes.

Oral cleft; Cleft palate; Information system

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