Open-access Electronic health records in high complexity hospitals: a report on the implementation process from the telehealth perspective


The implementation of electronic records in healthcare establishments has led to isolated solutions, which contribute to the fragmentation of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). This research uses a strategic planning tool in order to monitor the trajectory of implementation of the records in medium and high complexity hospitals, which are a benchmark for the health of women and children. The scope was to outline possible contributions for the computerization of health facilities in general. The methodology is based on the ethnography practices in hospitals. The study was qualitative, descriptive with document analysis. The sources consulted were the minutes of the electronic records kept between 2012 and 2015. The synthetic narrative points to the lack of infrastructure, resources and the conflict of interests involving several actors in the process. The electronic record legitimizes the institutional design and organizes the work, besides mapping the hospital geography. The association of physical and digital records demands a change of institutional culture. Registration is an act of citizenship and becomes a key document in quality control and hospital accreditation.

Child health services; Telehealth; Communication in health; Women’s health services

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