Open-access Configuration of Health Care Networks in the SUS: analysis based on primary and hospital care components


This study seeks to point out the different configurations of Health Care Networks in primary care (AB) and Hospital Care (AH), dimensioned based on coverage, quality, and resolvability characteristics in health macro-regions. Cross-sectional study used the cluster analysis and segmented 103 macro-regions into different profiles of coverage, quality and resolubility: group 1 (high coverage/AB and medium/AH; low quality AB-AH with high resolubility); group 2 (high coverage/AB and low/AH; low quality AB-AH with medium resolubility) and group 3 (high coverage/AB and medium/AH; high quality AB-AH with high resolubility). Coverage in AB was classified as high for 100% of the Brazilian population and in AH low to 9.70% and medium to 90.29%. Quality/AB-AH is low for 58.54% and high for 41.15%. Resolubility is high for 90.29% and medium for 9.70%. In Brazil, there is expansion of coverage with low quality/AB; shortage of hospital beds and low quality/HA with high resolution. However, in the Southeast and South, high AB-AH quality prevails. The structuring of health networks is still characterized by low resolution, demanding incentives for the governance of inter-federal arrangements.

Key words: Primary health care; Tertiary health care; Health services coverage; Quality; access; and evaluation of health care; Regionalization of health

ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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