Open-access Reproducibility of a questionnaire on physical activity among school students from 9 to 15 years of age


The objective of this study was to analyze the “test-retest” reproducibility of a questionnaire on physical activity among 1189 school students of both genders, from 9 to 15 years age in public schools in Curitiba/PR. The reproducibility of the questionnaire was determined by the repeated measures procedure called “test-retest”, with an interval of one week between applications. For data analysis the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), the percentage of correlation, the Kappa index, adjusted Kappa (Kappa PABAK) and Bland-Altman scatter diagram were used. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 21.0 adopting a 5% significance level. All ICC were higher than 0.80. The correlation between the application replicas of the questionnaire was moderate, Kappa ranging from 0.51 to 0.61. There was a correlation between the questionnaire applications, the average difference between the first and second being equal to 106.49 min/wk (IC95%: 79.05-133.92) with limits of correlation ranging from 1070.97 (+2SD) to -857.99 (-2SD) min/week. In conclusion, the survey analyzed in this study showed satisfactory levels of reproducibility, having the possibility of being used to measure physical activity in both children and adolescents.

Reproducibility of results; Questionnaire; Physical activity; Students

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