Open-access Social knowledge and the construction of drinking water preference


The analytical categories of Health Surveillance territorialization and daily life guided the design of this study, which aimed to understand from the methodological framework of qualitative research the factors involved in the use of individual supply solutions (ISS) as drinking water sources. We conducted semi-structured interviews with residents of 22 households set at a municipality in the Zona da Mata Mineira. Statements were fully transcribed, processed through content analysis and interpreted based on the psychosocial theory of social representations. It was possible to apprehend the social and affective components of social representations. The social component characterized by the representation of water from IWSS ISS water as clean and of good quality seemed to drive or justify the “resistance” of individuals to use water from public supply. The affective component referred to the use of IWSS water from ISS as a return to and protection of individuals’ origins, a way to strengthen respondents’ identity. The results pointed out that people’s perceptions and demands might guide actions aimed to stimulate trust in the use of public system water and the choice of this source of supply, contributing to health protection.

Interview; Social perception; Groundwater

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