Open-access Work process in Family Health Program: the potential of subjectivity of care for reconfiguration of the care model


This is a study with a qualitative approach that aims to analyze the subjective dimension of the Family Health teams’ practices conducted in order to reconfigure the care model, using the work process in health as the fundamental analytical category from the Marxist standpoint. The data gathering tool used was the focus group, applied in 13 Family Health teams in Maceió, Alagoas. Thematic analysis combined with principles of hermeneutics and dialectics was used for treatment and interpretation of the data. The results indicate that the user´s needs identified by the teams are multiple and permeated by a lack of sympathetic care, and that the user repeatedly wishes to be “heard.” The teams show that they are open to the use of soft technologies of compassionate care, although they do not legitimate them as instruments of their work. Clinical knowledge and techniques are prioritized in the work process, which limits the potential of its subjective dimension in order to (re)configure a care model which attends the user´s needs and is sustained by integrated care.

Primary health care; Delivery of health care; Family health; Health technology; Integrated care

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