Open-access Plasma prevalence of anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor IgG antibodies in early stages of psychosis

Prevalência plasmática de anticorpos IgG antirreceptor N-metil-d-aspartato nos estágios iniciais de psicose


We investigated the feasibility of including plasma anti-NMDAR antibody screening in the assessment of first-episode psychosis patients in an early intervention programme in the Southern hemisphere. Anti-NMDAR IgG antibodies were assessed by ELISA in 166 patients (64.0% men), 166 matched population-based controls and 76 patients’ siblings (30.3% men). Fisher’s exact test and ANOVA were performed. Positive anti-NMDAR antibody patients were more often observed in bipolar disorder (10.0%) than schizophrenia (2.4%) or psychotic depression (3.1%), although no significant differences were observed. Our results are not conclusive regarding the inclusion of plasma anti-NMDAR IgG antibodies in differential diagnostic protocols for psychosis.

Key words Antibodies anti-NMDAR; Bipolar disorder; Differential diagnosis; First-episode psychosis

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