Open-access In-service training for pedagogical coordinators in school nutrition: the report of an experience

This article describes the experience of in-service training for pedagogical coordinators of the Brazilian School Nutrition Program (PNAE) developed by the Cooperation Center for Student Food and Nutrition of the Federal University of Bahia (CECANE-UFBA). Participant observation and analysis of data documented in films, group discussion summaries, procedural and final evaluations and field diaries are used. The formative experiences were in 2011, in two municipalities in Bahia and Sergipe states, involving 118 pedagogical coordinators from 79 municipalities in both states. It was revealed that the objective of raising awareness and guiding pedagogical coordinators for mainstreaming the theme of food and nutrition has been achieved. The educational proposal was evaluated by the coordinators as "dynamic," "productive" and "interactive," promoting the exchange of experiences among participants. Despite considering the theme relevant, the pedagogical coordinators do not have sufficient training about food and nutrition to back their teaching practices. It is considered that their training has some limitations on the impact in the fieldwork, as the knowledge acquired night be dissipated when the coordinators return to their workplace due to the lack of ongoing training.

School nutrition; Food and nutrition; Pedagogical coordinators; Food and nutrition education

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