Open-access Food environment in São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the association with neighborhood sociodemographic variables


The scope of this study is to describe the food environment of a medium-sized municipality in southern Brazil and compare the availability of different types of food outlets in neighborhood socioeconomic and demographic environments. An ecological study was carried out in 45 buffers of 400m in São Leopoldo county, RS. The buffer was calculated from the center point of the residences of women participating in a larger research project. All streets were surveyed to identify food stores and record their geographical coordinates, as well as apply the NEMS questionnaire on the availability, price and quality of 108 items. The commercial outlets were classified as supermarkets, grocery stores, fruit stores and convenience stores. Supermarkets and grocery stores were present in higher quantity in lower income buffers and grocery stores were more prevalent in those with higher population tertiles. Another result was a direct relationship between NEMS and tertile income scores for supermarkets, grocery stores and fruit stores, and an indirect relationship for the same stores and population tertile. The availability of healthy food was higher in areas with higher income and lower numbers of inhabitants, indicating the need for better distribution of food stores and availability of varieties of food in the municipality.

Key words: Food environment; Buffer; Socioeconomic variables.

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