Open-access Postpartum program actions in primary health care: an integrative review


Puerperium is a period of significant morbimortality for women, and Primary Health Care (PHC) is important in developing actions to meet women’s health needs. This study aimed to systematize the knowledge produced on postpartum care programs actions within PHC at both national and international levels. This is an integrative review of the literature in databases LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature), BDENF (Nursing Database), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and PubMed (US National Library of Medicine). Search was performed in the period April-May 2017. Forty-three papers met the selection criteria. Results indicate that PHC has the physical structure to provide puerperae with care, but has a shortage of human and material resources; there is low postpartum consultation coverage and home visits; there is a good evaluation of the incentive for breastfeeding, but focused on the child; international screening of Postpartum Depression through the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and care shortage for this condition in Brazil. Postpartum care still focuses on care for the newborn and is mostly restricted to the immediate and late puerperium.

Key words Primary health care; Postpartum; Women’s health

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