Open-access Incorporation of drugs for rare diseases in Brazil: is it possible to have full access to these patients?


This study aims to describe the profile for the requested incorporation of rare disease drugs submitted to CONITEC and its recommendations, comparing the incorporation criteria employed by other HTA agencies globally. To this end, requests for the treatment of rare diseases submitted to CONITEC from July 2012 to June 2019 and its recommendations to the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) were included in this study. Subsequently, we compared the criteria used by CONITEC and other HTA agencies to incorporate these drugs. Sixty medicine incorporation requests to treat thirty rare diseases were submitted to CONITEC. Pharmaceutical companies made the most requests (66%). Budget impact analyses were presented in 85% of the requests and HT economic analyses in 68%. A total of 52% of the requests were incorporated into the SUS. CONITEC’s justifications for the non-incorporation were the lack of quality clinical evidence, non-cost-effective technologies, and modest clinical benefits that do not justify the high prices. International HTA agencies (CAN, UK, FR, AUS) use different criteria for rare diseases assessments. The data indicate that most of the evaluated drugs were incorporated into the SUS, and adopting different criteria to assess the incorporation of rare diseases medicines will possibly strengthen decision-making.

Key words: Rare diseases; Health technology assessment; Unified Health System

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