Open-access The perspective of professionals in primary health care on matrix support in mental health

The research investigates the matrix support in mental health in Primary Health Care in order to identify the guidelines, professional principles and values that permeate the process. The study used a qualitative approach with triangulation of techniques, and was performed with professionals from the Family Health Strategy. The results reveal a work process which is based on personalized relations, guided by the broadening of clinical practice and mediated by principles, such as inter-disciplinarity, bonding, comprehensiveness, accessibility, co-responsibilization and longitudinality. The values that underpin the relationship with the specialist are organized around the bond, trust and honesty. Difficulties in taking patients to Psychosocial Care Centers arise as obstacles to networking. The bond with the specialist, the structure of Family Health teams and the exchange of experiences and knowledge are identified as facilitating factors. The conclusions drawn are that the networking and the systematic and longitudinal support by specialists are key to decentralization in mental health.

Mental health; Decentralization; Primary health care; Matrix support; Organizational innovation

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