Open-access Assisting users of a health care unit to stop smoking: an experience report

Smoking is responsible for 4.9 millions of deaths every year, nationwide and worldwide. It is becoming a serious public health problem because of the damages caused to human health as regards its limitations to life quality, the incapacity to work, followed by illness and death. Most deaths occur in developing countries. Tobaccoism control strategies need to be intensified and improved, especially in low income areas. Herein is presented a experience report of tobaccoism control with cognitive behavior groups, at a health care unit in the suburbs of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State. The inexpressive yearly number of people who quit smoking shows the great challenge to be faced. Therefore it is necessary the involvement of more professionals in such issue, mainly in the public health network.

Tobacco use cessation; Smoking; Self-help groups; Basic Health care unit; Health centers

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