Open-access Police, risk as a profession: work-related morbidity and mortality

This article brings into focus deaths and aggravations on the health of safety’s professionals of Rio de Janeiro, occurred in or out of their job journey. This study is about victimization of policemen, and it was done an analysis of primaries data about accidents and violences morbidity and mortality that victimized agents of Municipal Guard, Military and Investigated Policies of Rio de Janeiro State between 1994 and 2004. It was used the external causes category of International Disease Classification (IDC-10th revision), that include all the accidents and aggressions. There are described and analyzed taxes and proportions of morbidity and mortality by accidents and violences. It is emphasized the internal differences among the three groups and the acceleration of victimization in the three categories, mainly of nonfatal injuries in 2003 e 2004. Aggressions and traffic accidents are the principal causes of death and lesions. The Military Policy is the more victimized in relation to two the others corporations, and in relationship of the population of Rio de Janeiro city and Brazil. It is considered that the occupational health area, contemporary, cannot omit to think about the categories that act in public safety, one of the more vulnerable segments to accidents and death in work.

Mortality; Morbidity; Policemen; Occupational health

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