Open-access Family relations in eating disorders: the Genogram as instrument of assessment

The present study aimed to evaluate the transactional patterns in families of women with EDs, through the use of the Genogram. The study included 12 girls and women linked to a multidisciplinary service. For the preparation of Genograms, a semistructured interview script was built that included specific topics regarding family relationships. Genograms´ analysis followed the recommendations professed by the specialized literature. It was evident that families presented few skills in managing stressful events and resolving conflicts, resulting in emotional distance between members and vulnerability of bonds. The Genogram was proved useful as a resource for research and evaluation in the area of EDs, and the generated data was convergent with the literature. Results provide important subsidies for health professionals, since they indicate the need for care and development of therapeutic alliance with the family in the treatment for EDs.

Eating disorders; Genogram; Family; Health assistance

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