Open-access Knowledge, perceptions, behaviors and representations of oral health of teenagers of public schools of two neighborhoods of Porto Alegre

The objective of this research was to assess the knowledge, perceptions, behavior and representations related to oral health of teenager students of public schools in two neighborhoods of Porto Alegre to verify the possibility of the participation of these youths as multipliers in the health assistance program. Two research instruments were used: a questionnaire and focal groups. The teenagers who participated in this research were volunteers and constituted a selected and intentional sample. The results showed that to the teenagers the tooth pain represents the illness but decay is not seen as such because it is very common as well as gingivitis, which is unevenly recognized. The personal negligence is the main cause of decay and gingivitis and the motivation to perform hygiene habits is connected to socialization. They are aware of the importance of dental floss but do not use it regularly, the dentist was the most responsible person in teaching them how to use dental floss. They showed willingness to pass on the knowledge they learned from dentists.

Knowledge; Perception; Behavior; Oral health of teenagers

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