Open-access Meanings attributed to policy directed to Men's Health

This study analyzed the meanings given to the Brazilian National Men's Health Policy (PNAISH) by those involved in its implementation to find out how a policy formulated at national level is reflected in local contexts. In five cities, from each macro region of the country, a set of 6 narratives and 21 semi-structured interviews were held with health managers and professionals; the information on the Policy was developed according to the Meaning Interpretation Method. The Policy is generally perceived as positive. Among the meanings given, it is emphasized that the policy is seen, by some, as a comprehensive care that guides actions to address men as a whole in Primary Care; then again, others perceived it as a reduction to urological problems. The policy was also perceived as something vague, which does not detail how to proceed to take men to the services and to better assist them, or something episodic, being the policy reduced to the accomplishment of specific events rather than ongoing actions in everyday services. The different meanings guide practices and actions, which may signal the effective and continued engagement of the professional with the policy, being a key element for its monitoring and evaluation.

Men's health; Health policy; Public Health Policies; Gender and health; Qualitative research; Brazil

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