Open-access Baseline Studies of the Project for the Expansion and Consolidation of Family Health (PROESF): considerations about its follow up

This article discusses the process by which a group of experts invited by the Coordination for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Department of Primary Health Care of the Ministry of Health accompanied the Baseline Studies(BLS) carried out in the context of PROESF. The process consisted in establishing a dialogue and partnerships between important health institutions and research groups in the country and was supported by ABRASCO. The constitution of this group was important in view of the relevance of the BLS in subsidizing the conversion of the health care model besides providing more legitimacy and transparency to the activities, technically qualifying the dialogue and optimizing the use of the produced information. What was at stake was on one hand the quality of the products and results of the BLSs, which involved data about 168 municipalities from different mega-regions of the country, and on the other hand the establishment of partnerships between researchers, public managers and local professionals aimed at encouraging the institutionalization of evaluation in the Unified Health System by means of strategies for capacity building of the responsible for primary health care in the municipalities participating in the studies

Primary health care; Monitoring; Institutionalization of evaluation of primary health care

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