Open-access Discussing the relationships between homoparenthood and health


The present article aims to bridge the gaps or deepen the debate to discuss the relationship between homoparenthood and health. This essay is anchored in specific literature. We seek to work on the following questions throughout the text: (i) How is the central theme of this discussion historically outlined? (ii) How does homoparenthood appear in scientific health production in general? (iii) What sociopolitical dimensions emerge around homoparenthood-health relationships? and (iv) What are the limitations and possibilities for exercising reproductive rights between same-sex couples? Among the conclusions, we underscore the challenge of facing the strangeness of homoparenthood against the idea of the so-called called “normal” family based on heteronormative logic. Even in countries with some legal apparatus assuring the rights to homoparental families, their members suffer prejudice, discrimination, and violence.

Key words: Homoparenthood; Family; Health

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