Open-access The role of dentists in the Unified Health System (SUS)

The Brazilian Health System might be considered as a social process. It is of fundamental importance an ongoing discussion about its health care model, the theories explaining health and disease which give it theoretical support and the role of the different health professionals working in it. The purpose of this study is to deepen the discussion about the role of dentists in the Unified Health System (SUS). The role of this professional might be considered in terms of central and local level. At central or districtal level dentists might work with interdisciplinary teams, planning healthy public policies and developing public health surveillance actions. Based on the proposals of the Otawa Charter, dentists at a local level may work to strengthing community action, to develop personal abilities and to reorientate health services. In this context, the reformulation of dental school curriculums will be necessary, in order to graduate workers capable of attending the demands and needs of the Health System. In addition, ongoing education of the professionals already working in SUS is required.

Unified Health System; Dentists; Healthy public policies; Health surveillance

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