Open-access Satisfaction of wheelchair users in the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region


This article seeks to identify user satisfaction in relation to wheelchairs and the provision of public and private health services in the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region. It involved a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Brazilian version of the Quebec Assistive Technology User Satisfaction Assessment. Data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative statistics by means of Student’s t test. Cohen’s d effect sizes were also calculated. Participants (n = 42) were “more or less satisfied” with the wheelchairs and “quite satisfied” with the services provided. Rigid frame wheelchair users were significantly more satisfied with their wheelchairs compared to users of wheelchairs weighing over 198 lbs. (p = 0.010, d = 1.04). Users of private services showed significantly greater satisfaction with the provision of the service compared to public services users (p = 0.021, d = 0.75). Wheelchair users in the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region are more satisfied with the rigid frame wheelchair and less satisfied with public services.

Key words: Wheelchairs; User satisfaction; Access to health services; Assistive technology; Public health

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