Open-access Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome and police work stress: an integrative review


This study aimed to investigate whether stress found in activities performed by Brazilian police workers is associated with the risk of developing a temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome (TMD), a disorder that is commonly associated with stressful conditions. An integrative literature review on stress, TMD and police work was carried out. We identified several stressors in the work of Brazilian police officers and observed that stress influences the development, aggravation and treatment of TMD symptoms. The quality of life and health of TMD carriers is compromised. The fact that studies have shown the association between stress and activities carried out by Brazilian police officers, as well as between stress and TMD, has led to the assumption of a possible relationship between stress caused by police work and the risk of these workers developing TMD. It is recommended that individuals be thoroughly examined before being treated and that such treatment be multidisciplinary. The literature on TMD in police workers is still incipient, which is why we recommend the development of further studies on the topic.

Occupational stress; Temporomandibular joint dysfunction; Police officers; Worker’s health

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