Open-access Digital health and the platformization of the Brazilian Government


The implementation of digital health constitutes an enormous challenge to Public Health, making it imperative to call for an urgent debate regarding the more immediate impacts of digital technologies on health policies. Digital health involves the incorporation of new technologies and potentially reconfigures the relationship between Government and society, in a process known as platformization - of health services management through the interpretation of a huge volume of data. This work provides a historic overview of Brazilian digital health information policies and analyzes digital health as a case of platformization of the Brazilian Government. For this reason, this work analyzes the Brazilian digital health strategy from three dimensions: data concentration, users/consumers, and the privatization of public infrastructure. Lastly, this work seeks to highlight the global trend in favor of an innovation that conceals the expectation for digitalization as a driver of the reproduction of capitalism.

Key words: Health; Digital technology; Capitalism; Government

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