Open-access Epistemological/methodological contributions to the fortification of an emancipatory con(science)

This article conducts a critical and reflective analysis into the paths of elaboration, sistematization and communication of the results of research in conjunction with colleges, social movements and individuals in the territory under scrutiny. For this, the article embraces as the core analytical theme the process of shared production of knowledge, both in the epistemological-methodological field and with respect to its social destination. The case study was adopted as the methodology, preceded by the use of focused groups and in-depth interviews as technique. To analyze the qualitative material discourse analysis was adopted in line with the assumptions of in-depth hermeneutics. The results are presented in two stages: Firstly, the new possibilities for a paradigmatic reorientation are discussed from the permanent and procedural interlocution with the empirical field and it's different contexts and authors. Secondly, it analyzes in the praxiological dimension, the distinct ways of appropriation of knowledge produced in dialogue with the social movements and the individuals in the territory under scrutiny. It concludes by highlighting alternative and innovative paths to an edifying academic practice. which stresses solidarity and is sensitive to the vulnerable population and its requests.

Epistemology; Social participation; Empowerment; Health communication

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