Open-access Social and environmental conflicts caused by agrochemical use in Salta, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe, Argentina


The purpose of this article is to contribute to the understanding and visibility of conflicts and disputes over the use of agrochemicals in the provinces of Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero and Salta, in Argentina. Secondary information sources were gathered and systematized to perform a first contextual analysis of regulatory frameworks, public policies and the emergence of social construction processes related to environmental and health risks. This analysis revolved around three dimensions: a regulatory dimension, a political-institutional dimension, and a territorial-health dimension. In all three jurisdictions, there are specific laws that govern the use of agrochemicals and certain institutionalization intended to implement, control and monitor them. However, similarly to what has happened at the regional and international levels, the study revealed multiple conflict situations and/or events that call environmental and health impacts into question. Agrochemical use policy is shattered into multiple regulations, institutions and levels of competence, a framework in which health and environmental policies are left behind. Despite some progress, there is no official recognition of the health and environmental damage caused by the use of agrochemicals.

Key words: Environmental impact; Impacts on health; Social vulnerability; Risk; Agrochemicals

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