Open-access Health promotion in primary care: study based on the Paulo Freire method

The scope of this study is to analyze the implementation of health promotion actions in the working process of the Family Health Teams of a city in the state of Santa Catarina. It involves research adopting a qualitative approach linked to the methodological benchmark of Paulo Freire, consisting of three dialectic moments: thematic investigation; encoding and decoding; critical revelation. Fifteen Culture Circles were conducted, covering five district health units, with the participation of 70 professionals. Each meeting was scheduled to last two hours with an average attendance of thirteen participants of the Family Health teams. The research revealed that there are limitations to the implementation of health promotion as a key element of participatory action together with the community. It also highlighted the importance of interdisciplinarity and intersectorality between workers and the city, state and federal manager. The commitment to the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS) and health promotion also presents itself as a challenge to improve the quality of life of the population.

Nursing; Health promotion; Family health

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