Open-access Different aspects of depression in suicide among the elderly

This article analyzes different aspects of depression association with suicide among the elderly based on psychological autopsies. The retrospective method was used to study indeterminate deaths, based on interviews and reports, which analyze psychosocial circumstances related to suicide. The paper reveals the predominance of gender, social class and race - women, middle and upper class, white - and, in an unprecedented manner, contextualizes depression in a poorly studied population in Brazil and in the world with high risk of suicide. The physical and mental health, social circumstances and predominant biographical characteristics of the suicide victim were reconstructed in order to assess the impact of depression on suicide. Depression was presented in almost all cases, in primary or secondary diagnosis, as the symptom associated with other co-morbidities or as a reaction to social stressors, demanding different therapeutic approaches and procedures. The association between depression and multiple co-morbidity accentuates the case prognosis and cumulatively increases the risk of suicide. Depression followed by suicidal tendencies is a risk factor which justifies immediate preventive measures. Increasing assertive ways to diagnose and treat depression in old age is recommended.

Suicide among the elderly; Depression; Psychological autopsy

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