Open-access A population of elderly and their satisfaction with their oral health

This mixed method study aimed at evaluating the satisfaction of elderly with their oral health, observing associated variables, and analyzing what would be necessary for satisfying their expectations with respect to oral health. Data were gathered by means of household interviews with 261 elderly people (city of Ribeirão Preto), representing the whole population of elderly registered in a Family Health Unit. A semi-structured questionnaire was elaborated to obtain information on the variables sex, age, educational level, financial independence, number of teeth and denture wearing. Data analysis was based on associations and content analysis. 49,2% of the totally toothless were satisfied whereas most of those who were not satisfied (73.9%) were young-elderly people (60-69). There was a statistically significant association between educational level and satisfaction (p=0,009); 76,0% of the elderly with low educational level were dissatisfied with their own oral health. The dissatisfied elderly related different situations that would make them feel satisfied. The most representative complaint mentioned in the interviews referred to discomfort caused by the denture. It was concluded that most of the elderly were satisfied with their oral health however, the higher the age and lower the educational level, the lower was the number of dissatisfied elderly.

Elderly; Oral health; Satisfaction; Old age

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