Open-access The sustainable development of the systems of health: an emergent and healthy paradigm

During the last decades several countries all over the world, specially Latin-Americans, have engage themselves in actions to reforms their health care systems, without reaching the expected quality life for its inhabitants life, in spite of the alarming social expenses. Governments of these countries have tried to improve conditions of life, increasing social expenses up to the maximum of their possibilities, without having obtained the expected results. For these reasons, it is gaining many adepts, in the academic debate, the idea of improving efficiency in the provision of social services, in a framework of private and Government participation, that will ensure equity and private capital participation, in order to introduce substantial changes at different levels, with the objective of improving equity of benefits, management efficiency and effectiveness of its services to satisfy health care needs of the population. The final objective is to contribute to improve health and living conditions of the population, reducing inequalities and improving service levels. For this purpose it is necessary to modernize public institutions, establish new relations among the different players, a new balance between public and private sector and the required sustainable financial model.

Efficiency; Reforms; Health’s systems; Sustainable model

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